Job Description
For smaller operations, the statistics function is likely to be
performed by the team leader or site manager. For larger
operations, the statistics function may be performed by other
individuals, and in some cases, a statistics coordinator may be
appointed, to collect the data and pass it up the line of
command. The statistics person is whoever is performing the
statistics function on that shift at that location.
There are three primary statistics responsibilities: 1. Track
and report the meal count for each meal. 2. Track and report
Volunteer hours. 3. Estimate total beverages and snacks. In
addition, the statistics person may collect receipts, if
needed. Since statistics is not a full time job, the statistics
person may perform other functions, as requested.
Meal Count: The meal count includes meals consumed on site and
those taken off site (to go meals). Generally speaking, we count
plates, clamshells, and sacks to count meals, but other approaches,
such as counting patties or buns, may also be used.
Usually, one would inventory the plates or buns or whatever before the
meal, and then again after the meal, with the difference being the
meals served. We report the total for each meal.
Volunteer Hours: We ask that volunteers sign in and out, using a time sheet that includes, name, phone
number, time in, time out, and
travel time. Be sure that everyone has filled out the waiver form. Whoever is performing
the statistics function
should try to ensure that people do sign in and out. Start the
morning with a new sheet each day. The old sheets should be put
in a binder. The statistics person should tabulate the results for
the previous shift(s), by shift, soon after they come in. If
anyone does not fill in travel time, assume an average travel time,
such as one hour. If anyone forgets to sign out, assume a
standard shift based on their sign in time. We report both actual
time on site, as well as time on site plus travel time. For
example, if four volunteers work 8 hours, and each has a round trip
travel time of 1 hour, then we would report both 32 hours worked on
site, and 36 hours including travel time. The time is reported by
shift, but if possible also report the total time for each day.
Beverages and snacks: This is generally an estimate rather than a
hard number. One approach is to count actual beverage and snack
usage for an hour and estimate a total based on the count from that
Receipts: If the statistics person receives any receipts,
hold them and ask the person in charge what to do with them.
Reporting: The statistics person in the morning should report
volunteer hours for the night shift as well as the previous evening
shift. If there is a statistics coordinator, try to report
the volunteer hours about 8 AM. The statistics person in the
evening should report the volunteer hours for the morning shift,
reporting the hours and the meal count after dinner is substantially
over. The meal count and the volunteer hours should also be
written in the Duty Log.
Basic reporting: If there is no statistics coordinator, report the
hours and meal count to the head of EDS. (Michael Gelski -
kb0pvd@comcast.net (K B zero P V D)).
Large events reporting: Large events will generally have one or
more statistics coordinators. If there is a statistics
coordinator(s), their name or names and contact information will be
written below. If there is a statitics coordinator(s), then
the shift reporting is made to the statistics coordinator, who
consolidates the data and then reports it up the chain to the
appropriate persons.
For large events, the statistics coordinator will report the
meal count, snack and beverage count, and volunteer hours on a daily
basis. This should be reported by e-mail to the following
people before 9 AM on the following day.
Michael Gelski - Michael_Gelski@usw.salvationarmy.org
Richard Ferguson - richard@fergusonsculpture.com
Stephanie Gustafson - Stephanie_Gustafson@usw.salvationarmy.org
(Note the underscore between the first and last names in the salvation
army addresses)
Government time reporting: For large events, we may report the
time worked to FEMA or another government agency. Report only the
actual time worked on site. Use military (24 hour clock)
time. The statistics coordinator will transfer the data from
the signin form to the appropriate government form.
After a major event is over, the statistics coordinator will
tabulate and report the total meal count, snack and beverage count, and
volunteer hours for the entire event.
A Salvation Army Statistics form in PDF
format is available.
RAF 10/3/06