Electrical System

The truck uses a single 12V batttery.  If the lights are used for an extended period, idle the engine for half an hour to recharge the battery.


The lights for the left and right side of the unit are controlled by switches in boxes on the side of the door opening.  Pull out the switch to turn off the lights.  The lights should go off when the door is closed.  The same box has a separate switch to turn on the red light on the truck dashboard if the door is open while the truck motor is running.

The lights for the back of the unit are controlled by a toggle switch in the ceiling, on the right hand side.

Cooling Fan

To keep things cold which are above the ice on the right hand side of the right side of the unit, there is a small fan which sucks cool air from the lower part and pumps it to the upper part.  This fan is controlled by a switch on the upper right hand side of the unit.  However, this fan only works when the truck engine is running.

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RAF 6/1/03